How to make a small room look bigger!

by - mayo 29, 2018

Hello guys! A lot of us deal with small rooms where basically the bed takes all the room! Believe me I lived that, my bed was almost my entire room, I lived in a small room for 18 years so I have learned some tricks to take advantage of your small room! And today I will share those tips!

Don't clutter your room with furniture

Something that I can tell you not to do is filling up your room with furniture!! We don't have a lot of space so we need to take advantage of that, so limit yourself to the essentials! Wheter is a desk, vanity or just your bed with a nightstand and you can use a little table that you can fold as your desk and you will have a lot more space!

Multiple uses for your furniture


I have done this a million times and I'm still doing it, although I have a bigger room now since I moved out. Multiuse your furniture, the simplest thing that you can do is mixing your vanity with your desk because those are things that take a lot of space and you don't use all day long.


Check this cool idea for a desk/decor space.

You can also do this DIY for a headboard and nightstand!

Add mirrors

Mirrors!!! They are your bestfriends for small rooms, they make your space look huge, add a lot a lot of mirrors, but add them with a strategy so it doesn't look like the house of mirrors hahah and it will seriously make your room look bigger!


 White, white, white

White makes everything look bigger, in clothes, rooms, in everything!! Adding white gives the illusion that the space is bigger. You can paint the walls white and also the furniture can be white and you add some color decor pieces. It doesn't has to be 100% white, they can be lighter colors and it's totally cool!


Have a decor section


Have a decor section assigned, it can be a clothing rack or a stand with cute decor! This will help you to make the room look bigger and that you can fit a lot of things, but don't fill it all up, don't expect that everything will fit in a small room. Organize strategically!

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