How to be Productive!
Procrastinating it's super easy, specially if we are on summer break and we have all the time of the world! We have a million things to do and sooner or later we will have to finish them, and it's better if it's sooner because then we will have a lot of things to do and not so much time! That's why I have some tips on how to be productive and do the things on time!
Stop Waiting for the Perfect Condition
We often think that a perfect moment will be presented to us to launch a project, That it will be perfect and that we need to take advantage of it, but in reality that moment doesn't exist we need to create it and we Don't need to wait for it to an arcti don't need to wait for it to knock on the door letting us know that it has arrived. At the moment that we finish our project is the perfect moment to launch it.Mess Creates StressAlgo que para mí es super super importante es tener un espacio de trabajo limpio. Es muy cierto que cuando nosotros tenemos un espacio de trabajo sucio y desorganizado normalmente no hacemos las cosas cuando debemos hacerlas y empezamos a posponer todo por lo mismo de que nos estamos distrayendo con las cosas que no están en su lugar, es mejor que cada noche cada mañana acomodes tu escritorio y lo organices para que te concentres en lo que tienes que hacer y no distraerte con las 1000 cosas que tienes que no vayas utilizar.
Mess Creates Stress
Something that is super super important for me it's to have a clean work space. It's true that when we have a messy work space we normally don't do the things that we are supposed to do and we start postponing everything because we are distracting ourselves with the things that we don't need, it's better for you to organize and clean your desk every morning or every night so you can be focus in what are you have to do and don't distract with the thousand things that you don't meet.
Get Up Early
Getting up early!! We have days were we want to sleep a little bit more and that's totally fine, but make sure that you have more days were you get up early, it doesn't have to be at 6 am, it can be at 8-9 and hour that's early so you can take advantage of your day!! When I woke up at 7 I get done a lot of things whether if I woke up at 9-10, it's so cool because you get a lot of things done.
Stop Multitasking
A mistake that a lot of us make is doing a lot of things at the same time. Try and focus on just one thing and finish it in order to move to the next one, don't do 5 things at the same time, for example, if you're doing your homework and you are first doing Spanish then after 5 minutes you change to English and you continue like that your brain is going to get super tired and stressed faster, because it's getting a lot of information and at the end of the day you will not finish anything. It's better to focus in just one thing and to take breaks in order to move into the next one.
Leave Distractions Far From You
Distractions are your worst enemies! They won't let you do anything, leave them as far as you can from you so you don't have the temptation of distracting, specially if they are things you don't need for your work.
Cut Your To-do List
A lot of our planners and to-do lists are filled with activities that are not important and some of them are super important. A super important tip that I have for you that has helped me a lot it's dividing my to-do list in super important things, things that are not that important in things that can wait. This way your list will be shorten up and you can focus in the things that are super important and if you couldn't complete it all the way through at least you finished the important. Another thing you can also do it's dividing the list in two or three parts, so you can divide it into another days in order to complete all your activities from that day.
Take More Breaks
Something that we don't always do when we are working or we do it but not in an organized way is: taking breaks. Our brain gets tired of being in constant work, weather is working or studying. We need a least 10 minutes of rest and you can mix it with work working 30 minutes and resting 10. Also keep in mind eating a snack so your brain it's working but at the same time it's eating nutrients.
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